Several years ago Truth Spring held a neighborhood meeting where we discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the North Highland community. In that meeting the question was raised, if you could change one thing about the neighborhood what would it be? Although the neighbors could have listed any number of things ranging from crime rates to addiction to poverty, their main concern was for the children of the community. The neighborhood as a whole expressed concerns because the children seemed to be gravitating towards the ways of the street. Many of them, by 3rd and 4th grade, were already being sent to the alternative school and beginning to walk a path that led toward drugs, violence, poverty, and, even worse, prison. After leaving the meeting that day one thing was determined, there had to be an alternative to the alternative school.
On August 10th, 2015 when Truth Spring Academy opened its doors for the very first time. The mission of the school is to rebuild a foundation of Christ-centered living by offering a quality, Christian education that focuses on challenging academics, character development, and servant leadership. Truth Spring wants to reconnect the relationship that has been severed between child and family, family and school, and school and community. As we focus on these goals we believe that we will begin to see the children living in North Highland begin to fulfill their God-given destinies. Through all of this, Truth Spring desires to restore hope to our community and city by proving that demography does not determine one’s destiny.
To find out more about Truth Spring Academy and their community, visit their website!